Have you been paying attention?

Curious conversations on life , God and other stuff. Faith Community Gathering January 19 at 5.30pm 

Last Sunday afternoon Marian facilitated an interesting session on ‘Resting in Him’  The importance of rest ( and re-creation ) was discussed recognising the imperative to rest physically, emotionally and spiritually.  

This Sunday we are pleased to advise that Jim will assume responsibility for facilitating our faith community gathering . He plans to utilise a brief TED Talk You Tube Clip to invite our reflection and conversation on the theme of ‘have you being paying attention’ ( not to be confused with the Channel 10 TV Program ! )  As you will no doubt be aware TED Talks are designed to spread good ideas . If you are unfamiliar with TED Talks just google Ted Talks to be introduced to a range of fascinating topics  

We welcome your attendance at our weekly conversations that stretch our hearts , minds and understandings of the spiritual.  Please consider inviting your friends to our ‘curious conversations on life, God and other stuff’  Lets encourage one another during this difficult time of transition   


Stillness and silence


Resting in Him