Resting in Him
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Curious conversations on life , God and other stuff . Faith Community Gathering January 12 at 5.30pm
Last Sunday afternoon Nick facilitated an interesting session on The Universal; Christ referencing a You Tube Clip featuring Franciscan, Richard Rohr . Much of Richard’s narrative stretched both our minds and hearts. He noted that Christ has existed for all of eternity and that a contemplative perspective sees the spiritual in everything all of the time. His narrative encouraged us to embrace our entire ecology as quintessentially spiritual.
Our prayer time for ourselves , our community and world mostly privileged silent prayer and our lighting of candles without narrative acknowledged both the sacredness of silence and that both speaking to God and listening to him were important in our engagement with God and the spiritual
This Sunday Marian will facilitate our faith community gathering . Her theme for reflection and conversation will be ‘Resting In Him ‘
We welcome your attendance at our weekly conversations that stretch our hearts , minds and understandings of the spiritual. Please consider inviting your friends to our ‘curious conversations on life, God and other stuff’ Lets encourage one another !